Frequently asked questions

The course

  • When does the course open and close?

    The next available course is the Winter 2025 course, which is now open. If you have previously registered for TV Masters but did not complete it, you will need to re-register from scratch. The next course after this will be the Summer 2025 course, which starts in early June.

  • How long is the course?

    The course comprises 13 hours of video learning. The course is open for a total of 10 weeks at a time. The earlier into a course period that you register, the more time you have to complete it.

  • How long is each module?

    The modules vary in length, with each module between 1 and 2 hours long. Each module is broken up into several video lessons, lasting between 15 and 45 minutes each. In total, all nine modules add up to approximately 13 hours of video to watch. You can learn at your own pace and complete the modules in your own time frame. The timings for the current course are as follows:
             1. All about viewing (1hr 15m)
             2. All about ads (1hr 20m)
             3. The principles of effectiveness (1hr 20m)
             4. Unlocking effectiveness (1hr 50m)
             5. The strategic use of TV (1hr)
             6. TV buying (1hr 40m)
             7. TV planning (1hr 35m)
             8. TV partnerships (1hr 25m)
             9. Advanced TV advertising (1hr 35m)

  • Can I start the course after the day the course begins?

    Yes, you can start the course after the start date, though you will need to complete it before the closing date of that session. If you think you won’t have enough time to complete the current course, please enrol for the next available course instead.

  • Who is the course relevant for?

    Anyone who wants a better understanding of the UK TV marketplace but in particular new starters in the business, people moving from a different area into the world of TV or more senior people looking for a refresher about the TV industry.

  • Can I do the modules in any order?

    No. You must complete Module One before you move onto Module Two and so on.

  • How much does it cost to do the course?

    The course is free.

  • How do I access the course?

    You will need to register here in order to access the training course.

  • What happens if I don’t complete the course before the course closing date?

    There are up to 10 weeks to complete TV Masters. We recommend you get started as soon as the course opens so you have plenty of time to get through it. As each course ends, TV Masters comes offline for updates and revisions, so we are unable to allow people to carry their progress over to the next course. If you think you won’t be able to complete the course once it is underway, we recommend you stop where you are and start the next course from the beginning. To find out about forthcoming course dates, sign up for the Thinkbox newsletter at

  • For how long will I be able to access the video modules?

    You will be able to access the video modules until the course closing date. You should download the nickable deck of slides for each module, as well as the additional reading material and any other documents before the closing date, as you will not be able to access them after the course has closed.

  • How do I leave or unsubscribe from the course?

    If you would like to cancel your enrolment, please email [email protected]. You will be free to join a subsequent TV Masters course at any time.


  • Is the course CPD certified?

    Yes. The course is IPA CPD hours eligible and is certified by the CPD Certification Service. More can be found here:

    IPA – About Learning and Continual Professional Development
    CPD – The CPD Certification Service

  • How will I receive my certification at the end of the course?

    Your TV Masters certificate will be available you once you have completed all six modules in full. For those who opt to take the final exam (see below) and attain a pass, you will be sent an additional certificate that includes your Distinction. These will be sent directly approximately 4 weeks after the exam submission deadline.

  • How many CPD hours is TV Masters worth?

    Upon completing TV Masters, you will be issued with a certificate which includes the CPD and IPA/CPD logos. You will be able to claim the time you spent taking TV Masters against your CPD goals. As a reminder, the video modules total 14 hours, plus you may want to add more time depending on how long you spend completing the tests, and whether or not you do any additional reading or complete the optional final exam. Different CPD programmes will have different achievement and eligibility criteria, so you should check the terms of your particular programme for further clarification.

The final exam

  • Do I have to do the final exam?

    No. If you complete the nine modules and attain a 70% pass mark in all the tests, then you will have passed the course and will receive accreditation. However, if you complete the exam, not only will you have tested your knowledge and new found learning to a greater degree, but you will also have the chance to achieve a distinction.

  • Can you tell me more about what to expect?

    The final exam is a practical application of everything that you have learned during the TV Masters course. It is split into four parts and uses a fictional brand as a basis for the questions. Though you are asked to explain your answers, there are no long essay-style questions.

  • How do I submit my exam?

    Please email your completed exam to [email protected] by the closing date, which will be displayed on the exam paper.

  • When will I find out if I have passed the exam and gained a distinction?

    The results of the exam will be out approximately four weeks after the cut-off date for submitting the final exam.

  • How much time do I need to complete the final exam?

    If you would like to consider taking the optional final exam, we recommend you aim to complete all video modules 1 week before the course closing date to allow time to digest, complete and submit the exam. The exam is required to be submitted on the last day that the course is open.

    We recommend allowing 3-4 hours to complete the optional final exam.

Additional reading material

  • Do I have to read all the suggested additional reading?

    No. The additional reading is there to give you the opportunity to delve deeper into the subject if you wish.

  • Some of your suggested additional reading is behind a paywall so how can I access it?

    Although some suggestions are from websites that need subscriptions or books you need to purchase, there is plenty of material that is free to access

  • What happens if I need more information about a topic and it’s not covered in the additional reading material?

    Please email [email protected] and we will do our best to help.

Other questions

  • What do I do if I’m having technical problems with TV Masters?

    Please contact [email protected].

  • Can I access any additional learning support?

    A full transcript of the TV Masters video content is available on request from [email protected].